Shahidul Islam

Deputy Chief of Party, Ain Shohayota Program

Shahidul Islam is the Deputy Chief of Party at Democracy International’s (DI) USAID-supported Ain Shohayota Program in Bangladesh. He has a strong background in planning, budgeting, administration, logistics, grants, finance, assets, and staff management.

Mr. Islam previously worked as the Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation Director for DI’s USAID-funded Promoting Peace and Justice Activity in Bangladesh, and he has also held positions as Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator at the United Nations Development Programme and Research and Policy Fellow at Transparency International Bangladesh. His work focuses on development projects centered on promoting justice, human rights, and public governance, with a strong emphasis on collaboration with government ministries, local authorities, and civil society organizations.

Mr. Islam holds a master’s degree in Social Science from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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