We make politics, governments, and societies work for people around the world.

About Democracy International

Powered by evidence, ideas, and partnership, we advance a more peaceful and democratic world. Democracy International works in four core areas in international development: Politics, Governance, Peace & Resilience, and Learning.


Promoting Responsive Politics and Empowering Citizens


DI supports political systems around the world to be responsive, inclusive, and competitive. We support election administration and reform; domestic and international election observation; political party, and legislative strengthening; civic and voter education; political empowerment of marginalized groups; civil society advocacy and strengthening related to articulating interests; media strengthening and freedom related to political processes; and protection of fundamental political rights, especially in societies with closing political space.

DI makes politics work by helping:

  • Citizens and communities articulate their interests
  • Parties and candidates represent citizen interests and compete for support
  • Institutions ensure fair, legitimate, and resilient political competition
  • Marginalized citizens and minority groups participate equitably in political processes

A core reason for DI’s founding was to improve democratic elections and political transitions programs. To make politics better, DI also serves as a thought leader and provides analytical services, including specialized research, assessments, and evaluations.


Strengthening Systems of Accountable Governance


DI works to support accountable government systems and institutions that are responsive, effective, and transparent. We promote the rule of law; institutional strengthening and reform; public financial management; local governance and decentralization; transparency and accountability; anti-corruption efforts; legislative strengthening; citizen advocacy and engagement for improved governance and service delivery; and media strengthening for government oversight.

DI makes governance work by helping:

  • Governments provide effective services and better respond to citizen demands
  • Citizens become consumers of and advocates for government services
  • Lawmakers and civil society create sustainable reforms through positive feedback mechanisms and systems effects

Peace & Resilience

Supporting Peaceful and Resilient Societies


DI promotes peaceful, democratic transitions and political settlements to resolve conflict so that societies are at peace and can repair their own divisions. DI works to build peace and resilience, the foundations of accountable politics and governance. We promote conflict management and mitigation, countering violent extremism, citizen security, transition initiatives, stabilization, peacebuilding and reconciliation, transitional justice, and atrocity prevention.

DI makes societies work by helping:

  • Support opposed communities address and overcome conflict
  • Protect vulnerable populations and communities
  • Counter drivers of conflict and extremism
  • Foster avenues for meaningful civic participation for all citizens


Improving Development Assistance through Learning


DI uses innovation and learning to improve international development outcomes, assistance, and policy. DI prioritizes an evidence-driven approach to improve development outcomes, primarily related to the programming areas of governance, democracy, politics, peace, and resilience. We provide analytical services, including assessments, evaluations, special studies, knowledge management, performance monitoring, strategy design, and institutional support and training.

DI makes development work by helping:

  • Design and test better approaches to development
  • Assess systems, countries, regions, and sectors
  • Evaluate existing approaches and identify lessons learned
  • Create, synthesize, and share knowledge
  • Build capacity to learn and use evidence-driven approaches

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