Ndaona Mataya

Deputy Chief of Party

Ndaona Mataya is the Deputy Chief of Party for the Parliamentary Support Program in Malawi. He is an accomplished and recognized financial, operations, and project management professional with over 13 years of experience in audit, finance, and operations. Mr. Mataya has vast financial and operations experience spanning across government, international nongovernmental organizations, and international consulting firms. He has advanced skills in prudent financial management including budget monitoring, financial report writing, sub-granting to both international and local organizations, procurement and logistics, administrations, human resource management, and development.

Previously, Mr. Mataya worked in different senior positions including Deputy Chief of Party – Finance and Operations at DAI, Finance and Administration Manager at Abt Associates, and Finance and Grants Manager at Save the Children International. He has managed budgets for different donors such as USAID, EU, Master Card, WHO, UNICEF, and NORAD. Mr. Mataya holds a MSc in Financial Management and a BSc in Accounting.

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