Maxwell Myers

Program Officer I

Maxwell Myers is a Program Officer I at Democracy International, bringing a wealth of experience from his previous roles in the U.S. Army and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Mr. Myers’ first active-duty assignment was as an intelligence student at the U.S. Army’s Intelligence Center of Excellence in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. After graduating, he served as the second in command of the only single-source intelligence collection unit in South Korea. He held this position, gaining increasing responsibility within the unit, until his honorable medical discharge.

Mr. Myers holds a BS in International Affairs (Civil Engineering Track) to include a minor in Grand Strategy from the United States Military Academy. He also holds an MA in Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies from King’s College London’s War Studies Department, where he developed his thesis exploring the politicization of the democratic process by fringe actors and rhetoric in policy making. In addition to his academic background, Mr. Myers is proficient in Macedonian and Serbian and conversational in Russian.

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