Karen Miller

Director, Program Management

Karen Miller is the Director of Program Management for Democracy International (DI), where she supports field programs in Bangladesh and South Sudan. She brings more than 10 years of experience as a program manager and democracy and governance specialist. Prior to joining DI, she worked at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems on countering closing democratic space and conflict mitigation in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Afghanistan. Previously, she served as technical lead on the Stability in Key Areas program in Development Alternatives, Inc.’s Afghanistan field office. She also conducted research and designed and managed community development and gender programs in Ghana for a community-based organization and with the African Aurora Business Network. She has additional experience designing curriculum and teaching international students in the U.S. and in China.

Ms. Miller earned her MA in International Economics and International Development from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and received her BA from the University of Puget Sound in International Political Economy. She speaks basic French and Chinese.

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