Kai Harp

Global Security and Field Operations Associate

Kai Harp is a Global Security and Field Operations Associate at Democracy International. Before starting at DI, they served in the United States Navy from 2015 to 2018, where they had the honor of working at the Pentagon and with the Ceremonial Guard in Washington, D.C. More recently, they’ve worked a variety of positions dedicated to advocating for human rights in a variety of fields, to include internships and positions with the ACLU of Georgia performing crucial legal research and drafting legal documents supporting pressing issues concerning reproductive freedom, first amendment rights, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ rights, as well as work in Seton Hall Law School’s Center for Social Justice Deportation Defense Initiative Program, which helped immigrants detained in I.C.E detention centers seek asylum in the United States.

Kai holds a B.S. in Sociology with a minor in Political Science from Oregon State University. They hold a M.A. in in Diplomacy and International Relations, specializing in Foreign Policy Analysis and Post State Conflict Reconstruction and Sustainability from Seton Hall University. Their journey also included a year of law school at Seton Hall University School of Law before deciding to pursue their passion for diplomacy and international relations.

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