Isabella (Isa) Berkeley

Strategy and Design Associate

Isabella (Isa) Berkeley is a Strategy and Design Associate at Democracy International (DI). Before joining DI, Ms. Berkeley worked as a Global Health Associate at Kaizen, a Tetra Tech Company, where she conceptualized initiatives and secured funding for global health programs focused on strengthening health systems and community-based solutions. She also worked as a Program Management Associate at Kaizen, contributing to USAID-funded projects such as the Pakistan Climate Smart Agriculture initiative and the Ethiopia Learning Analytics Activity.

Ms. Berkeley professional experience also includes research with the NSF-funded think tank, Research on Policy Implementation Lab, and communications coordination with the International Rescue Committee. She earned a BA in international studies from American University’s School of International Service, where she specialized in global inequality and development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Fluent in English and Spanish, Ms. Berkeley global perspective has been shaped by living in Guatemala, Argentina, Spain, Ghana, and Thailand.

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