Heather Goldsmith

Chief of Party

Heather Goldsmith is the Chief of Party of the Ain Shohayota program in Bangladesh. Ms. Goldsmith also served as the Chief of Party of our Promoting Peace and Justice activity in Bangladesh. She is a lawyer and rule of law specialist with extensive experience improving access to justice and promoting human rights. Prior to joining Democracy International, Ms. Goldsmith served as a Senior Technical Advisor at Chemonics International for the Promoting the Rule of Law in Myanmar activity. Her previous work includes spearheading a campaign to combat democratic backsliding in Poland with the American Bar Association, leading an assessment on peace and security in conflict-affected areas in Ukraine with UNDP, and piloting a “Justice Audit” of Bangladesh with GIZ. Ms. Goldsmith also founded and served as the inaugural chair of the Department of Law at North South University in Dhaka, Bangladesh and was part of a two-person team that drafted the UN Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems.

Ms. Goldsmith holds a Juris Doctor from Northwestern University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University.

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