Dan Murphy

Senior Technical Specialist

Dan Murphy is a Senior Technical Specialist at Democracy International. Mr. Murphy has more than 25 years of experience in the elections and political processes space in the United States and around the world. He has been a Chief of Party and a consultant on many USAID-funded projects. For two years, Mr. Murphy successfully managed DI’s Afghanistan Electoral Reform and Civic Advocacy Project. He was the Cairo-based project director for DI’s election observation missions to Egypt in 2014 and 2015. He served for several months as acting Chief of Party for the SUCCESS project in South Sudan. In South Sudan and Afghanistan, Mr. Murphy directed small grant programs and provided technical support to local civil society organizations. Previously, he worked on projects in Kosovo and Guyana with significant civil society components.

He has also spent a significant portion of his career working on elections in the United States, having worked as a staff member or consultant for the United States Election Assistance Commission, the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters, the Cook County Clerk (Illinois), and the District of Columbia Board of Elections. He has worked with various other counties in the United States on projects focusing on polling place accessibility, developing and implementing poll worker training curricula, and recruiting poll workers ahead of elections.

Since 2018, Mr. Murphy has served as the Engagement Director for the Los Angeles County Voting Solutions for the All People project. The project was focused on developing election technology (both hardware and software) for a new voting system in the largest election jurisdiction in the United States. The new system has been used continuously since the March 2020 California Presidential Primary Election.

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