Anna Kuznetsova

MEL Technical Specialist II

Anna Kuznetsova is a MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) Technical Specialist II at Democracy International, supporting the Social and Behavioral Science & Learning team. She brings over 15 years of experience working on democracy and governance programs across Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, and the Western Balkans. Ms. Kuznetsova has extensive experience designing and managing international development programs funded by various donors, including USAID, NED, DRL, and UNDP. Before joining DI, she worked with grassroots NGOs, implementing partner organizations, and two USAID field missions.

Ms. Kuznetsova has a substantial background in developing and overseeing monitoring and evaluation systems and leading research and evaluation efforts. She is particularly interested in Complexity Aware Monitoring methods and is passionate about integrating systems theory and Thinking and Working Politically approaches into program logic and evaluation.

Ms. Kuznetsova holds an MA in Public Policy and Management from the University of York and an MA in Evaluation from the University of Melbourne.

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