Alexei Acacio

Technical Specialist II, Social and Behavioral Science

Alexei Acacio is a Technical Specialist II in Social and Behavioral Science (SBS) at Democracy International. He has experience working on projects that used behavioral insights to address issues related to customer engagement, student satisfaction, and public health. As a member of DI’s Strategy & Technical Leadership team, Mr. Acacio applies innovative SBS insights to design and support international development programs. Having lived, studied, and worked on two continents, he is a firm believer in the importance of good governance and is excited to contribute to DI’s work in the Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance space.

Mr. Acacio grew up in the Philippines and completed his bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Johns Hopkins. Mr. Acacio earned a master’s degree in Behavioral Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a native speaker of Tagalog and English and is proficient in Spanish.

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