Rule of Law Stabilization - Formal Sector Component Program Evaluation Final Report


Democracy International


August 01, 2012



This report evaluated the results of a two year rule of law program implemented by Tetra Tech DPK Consulting, Inc. under USAID contract, totaling $33,752,979 in USAID funding. The program focused on supporting the development of the formal judicial structure in Afghanistan, with the overall goal of supporting USAID/Afghanistan’s Rule of Law Strategy for Afghanistan, specifically Pillar 1 (improve the justice sector and reduce corruption) and Pillar 4 (build leadership in the justice sector and civil society). The program was divided into 4 components: - Capacity building of the judiciary - Capacity building of court management systems - Capacity building of the faculties of law and Shari’a - Public legal outreach and awareness through strategic communication.

This report presents findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the major activities conducted under each component; overall, the results of the program are mixed.

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