
May 03, 2024


Bosnia and Herzegovina

UPDATE: Questions Due Date has changed from May 9, 2024 to May 13, 2024 at 11:00 PM

Solicitation Number: RFP-SEI-2024-001

Solicitation Title: Procurement and Piloting of Ballot Scanners for Direct Results Transmission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project: USAID Support to Electoral Integrity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Issued By: Democracy International, Inc.

Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price Contract

Open Date: May 2, 2024

Questions Due: May 13, 2024 at 11:00 PM Sarajevo time (UTC+2)

Answers to Questions: May 16, 2024

Submission Deadline: May 29, 2024 at 11:00 PM Sarajevo time (UTC+2)

Ceiling Price: USD $425,000

Point of Contact:

NAICS Code: 541512

PART 1: Purpose and Background

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to invite bidders to submit a written proposal to Democracy International (“DI”), which is acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement the Support to Electoral Integrity Activity (SEI) under contract number 72016823C00001, for the provision of electronic election technology and related services, based on the use of optical ballot scanners with direct results transmission (and ancillary equipment and capabilities) for use by the Central Election Commission (“CEC”) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for a pilot in October 2024 municipal elections.

1.2. Type of Award Anticipated

DI anticipates awarding one firm, fixed-price subcontract for a commercial product to the Bidder that submits a timely and compliant Proposal that provides the best value to the SEI Program. This subcontract type is subject to change during the course of negotiations. A firm, fixed-price subcontract is an award for the provision of specific services, goods, or deliverables and with a total, all-inclusive, fixed price that is not adjusted if the bidder’s actual costs are higher or lower than the fixed price amount. Bidders are expected to include all costs, direct and indirect, into their total proposed price. The subcontract will contain customary and required terms and conditions, a draft of which is attached hereto as Attachment D.

PART 2: General Instructions to Bidders

2.1 General Instructions

Bidder, offeror, subcontractor, and/or vendor (each is a “Bidder;” collectively, the “Bidders;” and, in certain contexts herein, a Bidder shall be referred to as a “bidder”) means a firm proposing the work under this RFP. “Offer” and/or “Proposal” means the package of documents the firm submits to propose the work. The RFP and accompanying documents (collectively, the “Solicitation”) provides Bidders with the relevant operational and performance requirements on which to base a Proposal.

Bidders wishing to respond to this RFP must submit proposals in English in accordance with the instructions contained in this RFP. Bidders are required to review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder’s risk. If the solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions not modified in the amendment shall remain unchanged.

Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates DI to award a subcontract or purchase order. Bidders will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation or submission of their proposal. DI shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs.

Proposals are due no later thanMay 29, 2024 at 11:00 PM Sarajevo time (UTC+2). to be submitted to the, and must include the RFP number (“RFP-SEI-2024-001”), Bidder’s name, and volume label (see Section 2.2 below) in the subject line of each email. Late offers will be rejected except under extraordinary circumstances at DI’s discretion.

The submission to DI of a Proposal in response to this RFP will constitute an offer and indicates the Bidder’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments thereto. DI reserves the right not to evaluate a non-responsive or incomplete proposal.

2.2 Required Proposal Components

To be considered valid Proposals must contain the following components:

  1. A Cover Letter on the Offeror’s company letterhead with a duly authorized signature that includes the name, address, and contact information of the Bidder and the Bidder’s primary point of contact for this Proposal. The cover letter shall also include the following items: (a) a validity period of at least 90 days for the prices provided and (b) acknowledgement of any Solicitation amendments received.

  2. Technical Proposal that describes how the Bidder’s proposed solution will comply with the Technical Requirements set forth in Part 3 of this RFP. Technical Proposals shall be in a separate e-mail from cost/price proposals and shall be clearly labeled as “VOLUME I: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” in the email subject line.

  3. Price Proposal with attached Excel template in the form attached as Attachment C. Business Proposals shall be in a separate email from technical proposals and shall be clearly labeled as “VOLUME II: BUSINESS PROPOSAL”.

2.3 Questions Regarding the RFP

Questions regarding the technical, business, or administrative requirements of this RFP may be submitted no later than May 9, 2024, at 11:00 PM Sarajevo time (UTC+2) by sending an email to Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and requests for clarification—and the responses thereto—that DI believes may be of interest to other Bidders will be circulated to all RFP recipients. DI will not provide technical or other guidance on preparation of any Bidder’s Proposal regarding exact information to provide, pricing, or any other technical requirement.

Only written answers issued by DI will be considered official and carry weight in the RFP process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of DI or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFP.

2.4 Eligibility Criteria

The Bidder shall be a private, legal, independent business entity, whose shares (in whole or in part) shall not be owned (directly or indirectly) by the central/federal, regional or local government of any country.

PART 3: Instructions for Preparation of Technical Proposals

Bidders’ Technical Proposals must not exceed 20 (twenty) pages, excluding attachments, and be submitted in .pdf format. The Bidder must provide a proposal that fully describes its proposed complete solution to the requirements listed in Attachment A to this RFP. The technical proposal must include the following information:

  1. Technical Approach – Bidders should include the following in their technical approach:

    • a. An overview of the Bidder’s proposed solution;

    • b. A detailed breakdown of each aspect or element of the proposed solution, and a description of how its solution meets each of the requirements listed in Attachment A to this RFP;

    • c. A detailed implementation plan and timeline for managing and delivering on the requirements listed in in Attachment A to this RFP, including deployment and testing of the devices, and time needed to obtain any licenses, clearances, and/or approvals required under local legal requirements to produce or deliver the products and/or services described in Attachment A to this RFP;

    • d. Descriptions and supporting information related to any functionality, capabilities, or features that are not required by Attachment A to this RFP but that the Bidder believes provide additional value for money to DI and/or the CEC;

    • e. Description of which elements of the requirements described in Attachment A to this RFP Bidder proposes to subcontract to other firms, noting the specific requirement that subcontracting is only allowable for commercial services for local transportation, warehousing, and special ballot printing.

    • f. Optional - Bidder may incorporate or attach any existing brochures, documentation, videos, or other marketing information it would like to demonstrate the solution’s uses, capabilities, specifications, warranties, etc.

  2. Institutional Capacity and Experience – Bidders must provide a thorough description of their institutional capacity to deliver on the requirements detailed in Attachment A to this RFP and examples of Bidder’s relevant past experience, including:

    • a. Description of Bidder’s institutional processes and capabilities for secure software development, particularly with the use of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) technology;

    • b. Description of Bidder’s institutional processes and capabilities for hardware development and production, including quality assurance and quality control processes throughout Bidder’s supply chain, particularly with the use of OMR technology;

    • c. Number, qualifications, and availability of personnel Bidder deems necessary to deliver on the requirements detailed in Attachment A to this RFP, including specifically delivering the required technical expertise for technical support and training;

    • d. Evidence of successful implementation by Bidder of the following technology solutions and services during the past five years:

      • i. Development, transfer, deployment, maintenance, and technical support similar to requested information systems;

      • ii. Implemented at least 2 (two) similar technological election projects, which included at least 1 million voters in national, regional, or municipal elections, using special technologies created for the purposes of ballot scanning and direct results transmission outside of the United States.

    • e. For purposes of making a best value determination, DI reserves the right to consider, as part of the assessment of a Bidders’ institutional capacity, the information provided by the Bidder in the DI Due Diligence Form, attached hereto as Attachment G.

  3. Key Personnel – Brief description of the experience and expertise of up to three technical experts Bidder is proposing as Key Personnel on this award, with up-to-date CVs for each key personnel/technical expert as an attachment.

  4. Past Performance References – Contact information, including email address and phone number, for three references who can speak to the Bidder’s past experience and knowledge on implementing election technology solutions.

PART 4: Instructions for Preparation of Business Proposals

A Bidder’s Business Proposal has no page limit, must be submitted in .pdf format, and must be submitted in a separate email from Technical Proposals.

Provided in Attachment C is a template for the Price Schedule Template for the expected firm, fixed-price subcontract, including the unit prices to be provided and the Bidder’s proposed overall price. Bidders shall complete the template including as much detailed information as possible. Bidders must also submit a narrative providing any additional information (discounts, quantity limitations, commercial warranty information, etc.) for DI to consider while evaluating Bidders’ prices and demonstrating Bidder’s responsibility by addressing the items listed in Section 5.2 below.

The services to be provided by the Bidder and the technical works to be performed shall be carried out using their own human and material resources, at their own expense. It is important to note that Value Added Tax (VAT) shall be included on a separate line, as these services are eligible for VAT exemption in BiH under the DI prime contract. The Bidder is responsible for all applicable taxes and fees, as prescribed under the applicable laws for income, compensation, permits, licenses, and other taxes and fees due as required.

Bidders must also include the following as attachments to their Business Proposal:

  • DI Vendor Information Form – please use the template found in Attachment E;

  • Required Representations and Certifications – please use template found in Attachment F; and

  • DI Due Diligence Form – please use template found in Attachment G.

PART 5: Basis of Award

5.1 Best Value Determination

DI will award the contract for this solicitation to the Bidder that it considers best able to provide the services requested at the best value. Best value is defined as the expected outcome of the acquisition that, in DI’s estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirements. To assist DI determine the best value, DI will follow the evaluation criteria set forth in Section 5.3 of this RFP. DI reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal or rescind, suspend, or pause this solicitation process at any time prior to the award of contract, without incurring any liability to the affected Bidder(s) nor is DI obliged to inform the affected Bidder(s) of the grounds for rejection.

DI reserves the right to conduct negotiations or request clarifications prior to award. Highest-rated offerors, as determined by DI, may be allowed an opportunity to submit their best prices and/or Technical Proposals in response to a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) request. However, it is anticipated that the contract award will be made by DI solely on the basis of the original offer.

5.2 Responsibility Determination

DI will not enter into any type of agreement with a Bidder prior to ensuring the Bidder’s responsibility. When assessing a Bidder’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:

  1. Evidence of a Unique Entity ID and active SAM.GOV registration.

  2. The source and nationality of the products or services are not from a Prohibited Country (as described in section 7.3, below).

  3. Having adequate financial resources to finance and perform the work or deliver goods or the ability to obtain financial resources without receiving advance funds from DI.

  4. Ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedules.

  5. Have a satisfactory past performance record.

  6. Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics.

  7. Have the necessary organization, experience, accounting, operational controls, and technical skills.

  8. Have the necessary production, construction and/or technical equipment and facilities, if applicable.

  9. Be qualified and eligible to perform work under applicable laws and regulations.

5.3 Evaluation Criteria

DI will evaluate and score each Proposal against the evaluation criteria stated below. Price Proposals are not assigned points; for overall evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than price are considered, when combined, to be more important than price factors.


Bidders will be evaluated on their proposed Technical Approach (including the elements of their proposed solution, implementation plan and timeline, and any other technical information supplied by Bidder related to their proposed solution) and the extent to which Bidders’ proposed solutions meet and/or exceed the requirements laid out in Attachment A to this RFP.


Bidders will be evaluated on the Institutional Capacity and Experience described in their Technical Proposals and by their responses to the DI Due Diligence form, to assess the extent to which Bidders’ institutional capacity and experience demonstrates their ability to deliver on the requirements laid out in Attachment A to this RFP while minimizing performance risk.

3. KEY PERSONNEL: 15 points

Bidders will be evaluated on whether the experience and expertise of technical experts proposed as Key Personnel identified and described in their Technical Proposals demonstrates their ability to deliver on the requirements laid out in Attachment A to this RFP while minimizing performance risk.

4. PAST PERFORMANCE: 15 points

Bidders will be evaluated on their track record of project performance based on feedback provided by their past performance references.

5. PRICE: Not Scored

The total price must be reasonable, not exceed the ceiling, include all required elements including auxiliary and commercial services, and show efficient use of resources.

PART 6: Inspection and Acceptance

DI will inspect, from time to time, the goods and/or services being performed under a subcontract resulting from this RFP, to determine whether they are being performed and/or delivered in a satisfactory manner. By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, the Bidder acknowledges that it shall be responsible for any countermeasures or corrective action, within the scope of this RFP and the terms of any contract resulting from it, which may be required by the DI Chief of Party and/or a Designee/other DI Authorized Representative as a result of such inspection.

PART 7: Compliance with Terms and Conditions

7.1 General Terms and Conditions

dders agree to comply with the general terms and conditions for an award resulting from this RFP. The selected Offeror shall comply with all Representations and Certifications of Compliance listed in Attachment F.

7.2 Prohibited Technology

Bidders agree to NOT PROVIDE any goods and/or services that utilize telecommunications and/or video surveillance products from the following companies: Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation, Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, in compliance with FAR 52.204-25.

7.3 Source and Nationality

Under the authorized geographic code for its contract DI may only procure goods and services from the following countries: U.S., Bosnia and Herzegovina, and developing countries other than advanced developing countries and excluding prohibited sources. For more information on Source and Nationality Requirements, see USAID ADS 310 ( To facilitate full and open competition, DI is seeking a waiver to these requirements from USAID and therefore, while Bidders outside of the authorized geographic code can submit a proposal for this RFP, they do so at their own risk in the event that the waiver is not approved.

DI must verify the source and nationality of goods and services and ensure (to the fullest extent possible) that DI does not procure any goods or services from prohibited countries listed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as sanctioned countries. OFAC sanctioned countries may be searched within the System for Award Management (SAM) at The current list of countries under comprehensive sanctions include Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Goods may not transit through or be assembled in comprehensive sanctioned origin or nationality countries, nor can the bidder be owned or controlled by a prohibited country. DI is prohibited from facilitating any transaction by a third party if that transaction would be prohibited if performed by DI.

By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, Bidders confirm that they are not violating the Source and Nationality requirements of the goods or services being offered and that the goods and services comply with the Geographic Code and the exclusions for prohibited countries outlined above.

7.4 Business Ethics and Conduct and Reporting Responsibilities

DI is committed to the highest degree of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all of our dealings, including with clients, funders, partners, staff, consultants, election observers, competitors, foreign governments, and other stakeholders. We conduct business under the strictest ethical standards to assure fairness in competition, reasonable prices and successful performance or delivery of quality goods and equipment. DI has adopted a Code of Ethics and Conduct that establishes standards of behavior that apply to all DI employees, consultants, bidders, partners, and other stakeholders, which is included as Attachment B to this RFP. Further, and consistent with its Code of Ethics and Conduct, DI does not tolerate any acts of corruption, including but not limited to the following:

  • Any requests for a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by a DI employee, Government official, or their representatives, to influence an award or approval decision.

  • Any offer of a bribe, kickback, facilitation payment or gratuity in the form of payment, gift or special consideration by a Bidder or proposed subcontractor(s) to influence an award or approval decision.

  • Any fraud, such as misstating or withholding information to benefit the offeror or subcontractor.

  • Any collusion or conflicts of interest in which a DI employee, consultant, or representative has a business or personal relationship with a principal or owner of the offeror or subcontractor that may appear to unfairly favor the offeror or subcontractor. Subcontractors must also avoid collusion or conflicts of interest in their procurements from vendors. Any such relationship must be disclosed immediately to DI management for review and appropriate action, including possible exclusion from award.

These acts of corruption are not tolerated and may result in serious consequences, including exclusion from consideration for an award, termination of an award, and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government, excluding the offeror or subcontractor from participating in future U.S. Government business.

Any attempted or actual corruption should be reported immediately by either the offeror, subcontractor, or DI staff to: or via email at

Democracy International will provide protection from retaliation for any whistleblower. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment. No supervisor, director, officer, or any other employee with authority to make or materially influence significant personnel/procurement decisions shall take or recommend an adverse action against an employee/bidder in knowing retaliation for disclosing alleged wrongful conduct. Any whistleblower who believes she/he is being retaliated against must contact the Principal, Director of Administration, or his/her supervisor. Any employee found to have so violated this Policy shall be disciplined, up to and including termination.

By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, the Bidder confirms adherence to the standards of behavior found in DI’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and further detailed above and certifies that no attempts have been or shall be made to influence DI or Government staff through bribes, gratuities, facilitation payments, kickbacks, or fraud. The Bidder also acknowledges that violation of this policy may result in termination, repayment of funds disallowed by the corrupt actions and possible suspension and debarment by the U.S. Government.

7.5 Conflict(s) of Interest

By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP, the Bidder warrants that no DI employee or contractor has received or will receive any direct or indirect benefit arising from this solicitation or its subsequent award. All parties agree that the breach of this provision will result in the termination of the contract that may be awarded as a result of this solicitation.

PART 8: Attachments

The following are attached to and hereby incorporated into this RFP:

8.1 ATTACHMENT A: Requirements, Technical Specifications, and Scope of Work

8.1.1 Background

DI is implementing USAID’s Support to Electoral Integrity in Bosnia and Herzegovina Program (“SEI”) to improve the integrity and increase citizen trust in political processes in BiH. As part of SEI and ahead of the October 2024 municipal elections, DI is supporting the BiH Central Election Commission (“CEC”) and the Municipal Election Commissions (“MECs”) to pilot appropriate technology solutions to strengthen confidence in the BiH electoral process and mitigate manipulation of results. DI is seeking a firm to support an election technology pilot to use optical ballot scanners to record and transmit the results directly from the polling stations to the MECs and/or CEC results center. The pilot will be implemented in select cities and municipalities in BiH, in approximately 145 polling stations. The anticipated period of performance for this contract is June 15 – December 15, 2024, which covers BiH’s municipal election period in October 2024.

Taking into consideration the 03/26/2024 Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina which provides for the introduction of new voting technologies in BiH, the following technology and services are described in detail below.

8.1.2 Overview of Requirements

DI requires a vendor to supply and deliver a complete election technology solution to the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the scanning of ballots and direct transmission of results in selected cities and municipalities during the upcoming 2024 municipal elections. To be considered a complete election technology solution, the vendor must propose to (1) supply to the CEC optical scanners with direct results transmission, along with all the necessary supplies and equipment (e.g., ballot boxes, paper ballots, and software codes), (2) pilot their implementation in BiH; and (3) train the CEC on the use of such scanners and other supplies and equipment. A successful Proposal must satisfy the requirements set forth below.

8.1.3 Detailed Requirements and Scope of Work

1. Ballot Scanner and Vote Counting Devices. The vendor must deliver ballot scanning and vote counting devices that allow voting to be carried out by means of specialized, electronic software and hardware technology developed for election purposes, which software and hardware use Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Technology. The devices must meet the following requirements:

  • Technical Requirements:

    • Employ OMR Technology with integrated components for: (1) scanning the paper ballot, (2) counting the votes, (3) summarizing the results, (4) printing the results, and (5) transmitting them to the CEC as required.

    • Ability to scan both sides of a ballot.

    • Allow for easy placement of a ballot onto or into a digital reader with a QR code printed on it.

    • The number of ballots placed in the device must be clearly indicated on the screen.

    • Ability to securely attach to existing ballot boxes in use by the CEC or to similar ballot boxes supplied by the vendor (consistent with the requirements for ballot boxes set forth below) in such a way that does not interfere with the operation of the device. The specifications of the existing ballot boxes in use by the CEC are as follows:

    - Constructed from 3mm thick transparent polypropylene (C3H6).
      - Possesses an upper, wider section measuring 570mm (with handles) x 540mm; a lower, narrower section measuring 410mm x 410mm; a height of 460mm; and a 230mm x 21mm opening/slot at the top for casting ballots.
      - Weighs 3kg.
      - Holds between 2,000 – 2,500 A4-size ballot papers.
    • Operate at 220 volts and be accompanied by a voltage cable with a European standard connecting plug.

    • The devices shall securely connect to the Internet and/or wireless data exchange connection (Wi-Fi device) only as designated by the CEC, and only during a limited time at the end of the voting.

  • Quantity Requirements:

    • Vendor must deliver enough ballot scanning and vote counting devices to allow for voting to take place at the same time in 145 polling stations (including at least one device installed in each polling station plus a reasonable reserve capacity) for use in the 2024 municipal elections, at least 20 of which must be transferred to and remain the property of the CEC following the completion of the period of performance of any subcontract resulting from this RFP.
  • Additional Requirements:

    • Each device must (1) be in excellent working order and condition; (2) be free from defects in design, workmanship, manufacturing, and appearance; (3) conform to the specifications, drawings, and samples provided by the vendor in its Proposal; (4) comply with the legislation of BiH; and (5) operate in the local language(s) that the CEC or MECs requires for the location in which the device will operate.

    • The vendor must provide a warranty period for the proposed ballot scanner and vote counting device which should be at least 24 months.

    • The devices must be delivered accompanied by the following:

    - Commercial invoice;
      - Transport documentation;
      - Packing document(s) (indicating exact net and gross weight);
      - Documents confirming the origin, conformity, and quality of the goods; and
      - Technical documentation, including instructions for the use of goods in local languages (including an electronic version)
    • Each device must include features necessary to facilitate access for persons with disabilities, including text-to-speech options.

2. Printed Paper Ballots. The vendor must procure and deliver printed paper ballots that meet the following requirements:

  • Technical Requirements:

    • It will be necessary to generate ballots for the corresponding type of election according to the municipality/polling station. The size of the ballot varies between municipalities, with the largest being A2+1 or 420x891 mm (based on the previous elections).

    • The ballot papers to be scanned must be compatible for use and packed per instructions provided by the CEC.

    • Each ballot must have a unique barcode and an individual QR code for protection and use in the relevant device, which must contain information about the relevant municipality and polling station numbers. The information to be included on the ballot paper and on the individual QR code may change in case of changes in the relevant legal grounds. The proposed software will also provide an opportunity to check the validity/compliance of the ballots after printing at the printing press.

  • Quantity Requirements:

    • Vendor must provide printed ballots sufficient for approximately 800 voters per polling station to cast ballots as well as a sufficient number of additional ballots to account for potential high proportions of spoiled ballots.
  • Additional Requirements:

    • The ballot must fit in a special envelope or folder which the vendor must also provide, to protect voter secrecy.

    • The vendor must provide a special ballot marking pen for use with the ballot, as required.

3. Ballot Boxes. If the vendor proposes ballot scanning and vote counting devices that are incompatible with the existing ballot boxes in use by the CEC, the vendor must deliver ballot boxes that meet the following requirements:

  • Technical Requirements:

    • Ballot boxes must be as similar as possible to the existing ballot boxes in use by CEC (as described above in Section

    • Each ballot box must be capable of having a ballot scanning and vote counting device supplied by the vendor as described in Section above, installed on top of it so that scanned ballots will be deposited by the device through the ballot paper slot and into the ballot box below.

  • Quantity Requirements

    • At least one ballot box and one scanner will be installed at each polling station. Reserve capacity of at least one additional ballot box will be available at each polling station.

    • Vendor must deliver enough ballot boxes to allow for voting to take place in 145 polling stations (including at least one ballot box in each polling station plus a reasonable reserve capacity) for use in the 2024 municipal elections. Enough ballot boxes must be transferred to and remain the property of the CEC following the completion of the period of performance of any subcontract resulting from this RFP to support the continued use of the at least 20 devices to be transferred to and remain the property of the CEC.

  • Additional Requirements

    • The vendor will test ballot boxes it supplies to ensure that all ballots (including any that required adjustment for scanning) can fit in the ballot box.

4. Software License/Source Code. The vendor must meet the following requirements related to software licenses and source code:

  • Technical Requirements:

    • The software used in connection with the devices must achieve the steps set forth in Section 8.1.3(1) in an accurate and secure manner.

    • The software must be capable of verifying that each ballot is valid and complies with the requirements for printed ballots.

    • The software must be capable of securely and accurately transmitting election results as set forth in Section, below.

    • The vendor must grant the CEC a paid up, non-exclusive, non-transferable, nonassignable, and non- sublicensable software license (valid for the entire life cycle of the ballot scanners for vote counting), to give the CEC the opportunity to independently manage the devices for results transmission after the initial pilot and in future pilots (by-elections, etc.).

  • Additional Requirements

    • The vendor shall ensure access to their devices and software code (including the specific source code of the BiH product) to ensure CEC’s ability to use devices in future elections.

5. Transmission of Election Results. The vendor’s complete solution must meet the following requirements related to the transmission of election results from the polling stations:

  • Technical Requirements

    • The software for transmitting voting results to the CEC must be developed specifically for election purposes.

    • The software must include integrated components for digital data reading, scanning of the voting summary protocol, and data transmission (from the polling station to the CEC server).

    • The software must be compatible with JIIS (Unique Elections Identifying System), the existing system used for election administration.

    • The system must transmit results using a secure, closed internet network such as APN or VPN and/or wireless data exchange connection.

    • The software must be capable of securely transmitting results as an Excel (or VLS) file and as an image in PNG under 500kb.

  • Additional Requirements

    • Ballot scanners must have the capability of printing out summaries of preliminary results immediately. They must be able to transfer results from a built-in USB memory card in the event of network issues.

    • The electronic device/scanner must ensure that tabulation of voting results compliant with the requirements of the relevant BiH legislation.

6. Delivery Schedule and Logistics. The vendor must meet the following requirements related to delivery and/or logistics:

  • The vendor will be responsible for delivery of ballot scanner and vote counting devices and all other equipment and/or supplies, as applicable, to approximately 6 municipalities in BiH designated by the CEC and communicated to the vendor by DI. This includes arranging for shipping/transportation and passing through customs, including securing all necessary paperwork and managing the overall customs process. The CEC will facilitate the import of the devices and their transport through customs only as a local beneficiary in BiH by providing paperwork to the vendor, if/as needed. The vendor must closely coordinate with DI ahead of time regarding the import of all materials to the CEC.

  • The vendor will not be responsible for delivering devices and equipment/supplies to or from the polling stations on Election Day. This will instead be arranged by CEC/MECs (with support from DI), along with other Election Day materials.

  • The vendor will work with DI and CEC to safely store the devices throughout the election cycle. This will include securing appropriate space (including renting, where a CEC/MEC space is not suitable/or available) to store the scanners as required in case CEC/MEC space where other polling materials are stored is not sufficient or adequate. For the pilot, an office of approximately 20 square meters must suffice to store the devices and necessary equipment/supplies at the MEC level. The vendor should provide the exact temperature and air quality required for storing the scanners.

7. Ancillary and/or Technical Support Services (Embedded Technicians, simulations, training, etc.). As part of its complete solution, the vendor must meet the following requirements:

  • Technical Support Requirements. The vendor must provide high-quality and ongoing technical support to the CEC and MECs as necessary that meets the following requirements:

    • Embedded Support:

      • IT: The vendor will deploy approximately 4-6 technical experts to be embedded with the CEC IT department and to provide ad-hoc, on-site support to the MECs on request during at least the 90 days before the election. Remote technical support will not be considered.

      • The vendor will support the CEC’s efforts to inform the public about the election technology pilot and the specifics of the new technology by providing specific technical or other information related to the devices or their software to the CEC as requested. The vendor will not be responsible for, or permitted to organize, any direct outreach regarding the ballot scanners or other election technologies.

    • Updating/Modifying Processes, Procedures, and Schedules: The vendor will provide support to the CEC to incorporate the specifics related to the election technology pilot into existing trainings on election procedures, action plans, schedules, reports, manuals of technical operations, etc. in the local languages.

    • Training: the vendor will deliver training to election administration employees, including commission members, technical employees, and CEC trainers (who will then conduct lower-level cascade trainings without the vendor’s involvement) regarding the use of ballot scanners and their software (not on other electoral processes).

    • Live Election-Day Support: The vendor will provide ad hoc technical troubleshooting and support on Election Day starting early in the morning before polling stations open and throughout the day until the counting is completed in designated polling station with ballot scanners.

  • Other Ancillary Requirements. The vendor must provide or comply with the following additional requirements:

    • As part of its Proposal, the vendor will submit a written plan of deployment and testing of the devices that will serve as the basis of the overall timeline and which will be integrated into the resulting subcontract. The plan will be reviewed during the proposal evaluation process and vendor may be asked to make revisions based on feedback from DI and/or CEC during subcontract negotiations. The vendor will be required to deliver the deployment and/or testing services and support detailed in the finalized plan.

    • The vendor will provide samples of all materials (including ballot paper and ballot box), and supply information (at all stages and at all levels, including non-working days/hours as required) and technical support (to demonstrate the use of ballot scanners and related technology and throughout the implementation process). In close collaboration and under the supervision of DI, the vendor will provide simulations on the use of ballot scanners at the Training of Trainers for CEC and MEC members who will go on to train Polling Station Committee members.

    • The vendor will provide ad-hoc support as requested to ensure smooth adoption and implementation of the technology solutions by CEC and MEC members.

  • Post-Election Audit of Ballot Scanning and Results Transmission. The following requirements must be met:

    • The vendor must conduct and complete a full internal audit of the ballot scanners and direct results transmission within 3 (three) days after completion of the election.

    • The audit must include:

      • a numerical comparison of manually and electronically counted ballots.

      • A description of how the electronic device/scanner and software were implemented and document any issues. Upon receipt of written notice from DI, the vendor must immediately provide DI with full and unfettered access to the devices and ancillary equipment and all information requested by DI.

8. Additional Specifications and Requirements: The proposed solution must meet the following requirements:

  • Ensure maximum usability and accessibility for persons with disabilities.

  • Compliance with U.S. Public Law 115-232, Section 889, which prohibits procuring or obtaining covered telecommunications produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities).

  • Vendor shall not engage or enter into a subcontract with any other vendor, contractor, or firm to deliver on any requirements detailed in this attachment except for the local transportation and warehousing of required supplies and/or equipment, as well as for the printing of special ballots to be use with scanners.

  • Insurance

    • Vendor agrees to procure DBA insurance pursuant to the terms of the contract between USAID and USAID’s DBA insurance carrier for the vendor’s employees who are citizens of, residents of, or hired in the United States. The vendor further agrees to provide employees who are not citizens of, residents of, or hired in the United States with worker’s compensation benefits as required by the laws of the country in which the employees are working, or by the laws of the employee’s native country, whichever offers greater benefits. Pursuant to AIDAR 752.228-3 Worker’s Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act), parties must request coverage in accordance with USAID Contract No. AID-OAA-C-10-00027 Allied World Assurances Company (Allied).

    • Unless the vendor is exempt or excluded from such coverage, vendor agrees to obtain Medevac) service coverage.

    • Throughout the term of this Agreement, vendor shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence, and professional errors and omissions insurance of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per claim, for losses in connection with Subcontractor’s performance of the services or deliverables. The provisions of this clause c are in addition to any insurance requirements which may be imposed by this Agreement.

    • The vendor shall provide copies of its insurance certificates to DI upon the execution of this vendor and upon renewal of each policy noted above. The insurance certificate(s) shall be endorsed to include thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation or material change of any coverage. If the Subcontractor fails to make insurance premium payments or cancels its insurance, DI must be notified and all work under the Subcontract will be terminated.

    • The vendor shall insert the applicable USAID mandated insurance requirements in any lower tier subcontracts under this Subcontract.

8.1.4 Deliverables and Tentative Timeline

The vendor must achieve and/or provide the following deliverables by the timeframe set forth below, which will be finalized in a subcontract resulting from this RFP. Vendors may propose reasonable revisions to the timeline set for below as part of their Technical Proposals.

BiH RFP Deliverable Timeline.png

8.1.5 Alternative Proposals

Bidders may choose, at their own risk, to submit alternative proposals (either in lieu of or in addition to fully compliant proposals) that deviate from the detailed requirements described above, so long as they achieve the core objectives to scan and count hand-marked paper ballots, and safely and securely transmit the results from the polling station to the count centers at the municipal or central level, as applicable, if the Bidder believes it delivers better value to DI and the CEC. For illustration only, and not as an indicator of any preference, a vendor might elect to propose ballot boxes that are smaller than those described above but includes more of them so that the equivalent number of ballots may be cast and counted in each polling station because it can offer a significantly lower price. DI reserves the right to review such alternative Proposals and consider them for award so long as DI determines that they provide best value, but DI is in no way obligated to review such alternative proposals and may, in its sole judgement, deem them nonresponsive to the requirements of this RFP and remove them from further consideration.

To view the full RFP, including the attachments and draft dubcintract, please download the document at the top of this page.__

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