Mid-Term Performance Evaluation of the Ukraine Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment Project


Democracy International


February 01, 2013



This mid-term evaluation focused on the current results of Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment Project (LEP) activities and on the evolving rule of law environment present in Ukraine in light of legal and institutional changes on free legal aid. Through document review, informant interviews, focus groups, an online survey of LEP partners and attendance at the recent LEP quarterly meeting, the Evaluation Team was able to gather information to address the five questions outlined in the scope of work: Given changes in the overall legislative environment and country context, such as the passage of the Law on Free Legal Aid and related reforms in the rule of law sector, to what extent is the planned LEP approach of addressing access to justice and legal empowerment issues through three issue-based coalitions achieving the desired results? Is the project doing enough to achieve the first project objective? To what extent are project beneficiaries adopting desired behaviors? What are the prospects for sustainability of the end results produced by this project, focusing on the following components: - The provision of legal services by partner LAOs; - The three legal coalitions formed by the program; - The project’s web site referral and consultation processes; and - The provision of a clearinghouse model for pro bono contributions by private lawyers to the three coalitions? - To what extent is the project addressing gender issues in its activities? Could these interventions be improved to better promote gender equality in the provision of legal aid?

Photo Credit: Ivan Bandura

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