Jordan Rule of Law Anticorruption Assessment


Democracy International


May 31, 2013



This report provides a targeted analysis of the status of rule of law and corruption in Jordan. The report includes an assessment of the primary constraints and opportunities for programming in these two areas in an integrated fashion, as well as a review of existing rule of law and anti-corruption programs supported by international donors.

The rule of law analysis follows the USAID Framework for a Rule of Law Assessment and takes into account current USAID/Jordan projects as well as those of other donors. Given the mission’s more than decade-long investment in two consecutive rule of law projects, the report draws on a wealth of programing experience and lessons learned, which also include rule of law assessments done in 2008 and 2011. Developments since 2011, particularly the so-called Arab Spring, made a new analysis timely. As the Mission has already made a strategic decision to continue working on rule of law programs as current projects near their endpoints, the analysis focuses on what activities in those projects merit continuation and what new initiatives should considered.

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