Inner City Development: Peace and Prosperity Project


Democracy International


May 31, 2005



DI evaluated the Peace and Prosperity Project (PPP) funded by Jamaica USAID mission. The PPP was implemented by the Kingston Restoration Company (KRC) with the purpose of addressing crime and violence in two of Kingston’s most volatile inner city communities. DI assessed the PPP with an evaluation team who made visits to the Grants Pen and Standpipe communities in addition to interviews and focus group sessions. Several lessons were learned from this project. Taking a multifaceted approach to reducing crime in inner city communities was a positive lesson and should be implemented in similar programs in the future. Additionally, a policy of total inclusion where KRC tailored skills training programs to specific needs, helped some residents to participate where they might not have been able to otherwise. Although all activities were implemented successfully in varying degrees, DI had concerns about the program’s sustainability.

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