Djibouti Elections and Political Processes Program Report


Democracy International


April 30, 2011



While implementing the Djibouti Elections and Political Processes Program, Democracy International’s activities were declared illegal by the Government of Djibouti and DI was asked to leave the country. As a result, USAID requested DI to cease its activities and agree to the termination of the cooperative agreement. DI complied with the order of the Djiboutian government and ceased all programmatic activity.

While many of the project’s planned activities were not realized due to the unexpected early expulsion, DI was able to make real progress to support Djiboutian democratization. DI is proud of its accomplishments in service of USAID over the course of implementing the program and hopes to use this report to illustrate the value of the project prior to the program’s premature ending.

This report documents the degree to which each of the objectives outlined in the cooperative agreement and the accompanying activities detailed in the work plan were pursued and those which were impossible to implement as a result of the program’s early termination.

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