Project Description

Democracy International’s multiyear Complexity-Aware Monitoring and Evaluation (C-AM&E) project in Colombia was designed to strengthen USAID/Colombia’s Programa de Alianzas para la Reconciliacion (PAR), a reconciliation and peacebuilding activity implemented by ACDI/VOCA. PAR is countering the conflict dynamics in Colombia by bringing together actors from all corners of society to develop a shared vision of Colombia’s future. PAR’s main objective is to promote awareness and mobilization initiatives on reconciliation that boost economic and social opportunities through transformative alliances. PAR complements other USAID/Colombia efforts to support combatant reintegration, victim reparation, inclusion, and rural development. DI incorporated the country’s numerous political and conflict dynamics into a monitoring and evaluation project that helped strengthen PAR’s adaptive management structure and internal learning, while informing USAID/Colombia’s ongoing and future projects in the country.


2017 - 2021



Practice Area




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