Project Description

The Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) program, funded by USAID, is designed to work with legal aid delivery organizations, judges, judicial staff, and vulnerable groups to improve access to and delivery of legal aid services in Bangladesh. PPJ will promote the rule of law, increase confidence in public institutions, and counter violent extremism by improving the delivery of legal aid in the justice system, strengthening the case management capacity of the judiciary, and raising citizen awareness of their legal rights and responsibilities. PPJ activities will include providing assistance to government bodies, including the National Legal Aid Service Organization and Legal Aid Committees, and local civil society organizations to improve the capacity of district, upazila, union, and labor courts to better serve citizens. To that end, DI will help government bodies implement strategic and operational plans at the national and local levels. PPJ will also focus on increasing the capacity of Bangladesh’s judiciary to reduce the backlog of cases hindering legal aid delivery and to more effectively adjudicate cases and support sensitizing communities to their legal rights and responsibilities under Bangladesh law.


2018 - 2023



Practice Area




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