Project Description

The goal of USAID’s Advancing Efforts for Reform and Civic Accountability (AERCA) project was to assist the Afghan government to quickly become more responsive and effective in the delivery of core government services. Over the long term, AERCA contributed to Afghan efforts to build effective and competent public institutions that were responsive to citizens. The program seeked to improve the government’s delivery of key services that resulted in tangible, visible changes benefitting citizens; and bolster governmental and civic mechanisms of oversight and accountability.

To achieve these objectives, DI partnered with ministry officials to identify opportunities for reform and to develop unique strategies to implement those plans. AERCA also supported civil society organizations to conduct social accountability and public outreach projects. Through this component of the project, DI supported From Words to Action, a commitment tracking website to promote government accountability and The Candidate, a television series that engages youth and the general Afghan public on governance issues. Additional civil society projects focused on government-citizen engagement and included advocacy, monitoring of government service delivery and activity, and policy discussions.


2016 - 2017



Practice Area




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