Press Release

Democracy International

October 11, 2022

DI Awarded USAID Justice, Rights, and Security – Rapid Response Assistance Activity


Media Contact: Alexandra Hart,

WASHINGTON, DCThe United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance has awarded Democracy International (DI) the Justice, Rights, and Security – Rapid Response Assistance (JURIS) activity. With growing threats against the rule of law, human rights, and security around the world, the $20 million, multiyear JURIS activity will support short-term, rapid-response activities to address critical, time-sensitive concerns and windows of opportunity.

DI’s global coalition of expert, dynamic partner organizations consists of The Carter Center, FHI 360, Torchlight Group (TAG International), Pan American Development Foundation, The Asia Foundation, Proximity, The Sentinel Project, GeoPoll, Humanity & Inclusion, and Physicians for Human Rights. DI and the JURIS coalition will support efforts to monitor and document rights violations and provide technical, emergency, and other assistance to human rights defenders under threat.

“Democracy International is committed to supporting safe and just societies and accountable governments that protect and respect people’s rights,” said DI President and CEO Eric Bjornlund. “We appreciate the opportunity to work with USAID and our partners to advance justice, human rights, and security efforts worldwide.”

“At a time when democratic norms and institutions are threatened, we are ready to work closely with USAID and with partners around the world to advance these core issues,” added DI Vice President Liza Prendergast. “We encourage human rights defenders, civil society organizations, lawyers, and others who share our commitment to justice and human rights to reach out to us with recommendations on how we can strengthen this critical global effort.”

With a shared commitment to localization and learning, USAID and DI will fortify locally led efforts, advance innovative approaches, and pilot new partnerships. JURIS incorporates insights from behavioral science, people-centered approaches, and other evidence-based strategies to support USAID Washington, Missions, and Operating Units around the world.

To contact DI directly, please email


Democracy International supports active citizens, responsive governments, and engaged civil society and political organizations to achieve a more peaceful, democratic world. By developing and using new knowledge, tools, and approaches and drawing insights from behavioral science, we work to change people’s lives and improve development assistance.

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