Afghanistan Parliamentary Assistance Program Evaluation


Democracy International


December 31, 2014



This report is an evaluation of Phase 1 of USAID’s Afghanistan Parliamentary Assistance Program (APAP) implemented by the State University of New York’s Center for International Development (SUNY). The program covers the period between October 2004 and August 2012. A team of two US evaluators along with two Afghan experts conducted field visits in Kabul between July 27 and August 17, 2012.

The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the level of success and impact of APAP in contributing to the increased institutional capacity of the Afghan National Assembly’s ability to legislate, represent, and provide oversight of government activities. The evaluation also reviewed measures undertaken by APAP to include gender considerations in carrying program activities. Additionally, issues concerning performance of parliament during this period, improvements in Afghan governance as a result of APAP assistance, counterpart satisfaction with APAP, sustainability, differences from first to second parliament, links to sub-national governance, and relation to the USAID Mission Results Framework and M&E, were also considered.

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